In the epic saga of Pianopalooza dueling pianos, Tony Bohnenkamp and Jared Hall kicked off their musical escapade in 2001, fueled by a mix of passion, humor, and a dash of musical mischief. Picture this: two musical maestros, armed with nothing but their wit and keyboards, setting the stage on fire. Built on a foundation of their musical musings, a harmonious revolution was born. Week after week, they serenaded the masses with cover songs that could make even the toughest critic tap their toes. Their journey took them from the cozy confines of Fratello’s on Eighth to the slightly roomier AK O’Connor’s, leaving a trail of mesmerized audiences in their wake. But wait, there's more! In a stroke of entrepreneurial genius, Tony ventured forth and opened The Grand Piano Bistro and Piano Bar, a sanctuary where melodies danced freely in the air. And thus, the legend of Pianopalooza continued to echo through the streets of Des Moines, leaving behind a symphony of memories and audiences clamoring for more.
As Jared’s and his family’s lives and musical exploits took them across the USA, Tony teamed up with a revolving cast of Key-Ticklers including Jerry Lorenson, Megan Hill-Mitchum, Whitney Maxwell, PJ Gartrell, Jay Schneider and Scott Dawson, because you can never have too many piano players (at least we don’t think so).
Over the last 20+ years, Pianopalooza has played pretty much everywhere you can imagine - piano bars, festivals, colleges, private parties, corporate affairs, grandma’s living room…you name it. Their versatility is unmatched - from keeping it “Rated G” for the kiddos to full-on “Anything Goes” gigs for the more adventurous folk.
Thanks to decades of pounding pianos, they can now send not one but TWO dueling teams out to simultaneously entertain audiences across multiple events. They've also got the ability to kick it up a notch with a full backing band of merry men (2 guitars, bass, and drums) to make your party truly unforgettable.
Look, Pianopalooza has been galavanting across Iowa and the Midwest with live piano music longer than anyone else. Other groups claim Iowa roots, but investigate before you decide. We are the real deal, born, bred and based here in the Hawkeye State. Make sure you get the original, all-request, sing along, piano-tastic mayhem that is Pianopalooza Dueling Pianos!